The Sylvester-Worth County Chamber of Commerce and the Farmers Ag Committee hosted our Annual Farmers Appreciation Dinner on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at the Ag Pavilion in Worth County.
The doors opened at 6:00 pm and the farmers and their families were treated to a meal catered by Fat Boys BBQ & More.
Ms. Kaley Bowen, Farmers Ag Committee Chair, welcomed the farmers and thanked our sponsors. Mr. Jason Willis gave thanks and blessed the meal. The Worth County High School JROTC presented the colors, Ms. Jean Brooks led the pledge, and Mr. Cameron Roland sang the National Anthem. Mr. Scott Carlson then presented our Farmer Awards for 2023. The awards that were presented to the farmers were created by the WCHS CTAE Welding and Carpentry program.
Senior Farmer of the Year - Mike Roberts Jr
Young Farmers of the Year - Mason Roberts and Chase Roberts
Conservationist of the Year - Chris King
In the next part of the program, Agriculture Chair Kaley Bowen, Vice Chair Mr. Trent Davis, Georgia Peanut Young Queen Bentley Rowland, and Junior Queen Ansley LeMaster proceeded to give out over $1,600 in cash door prizes, various gifts, and a 4-man Quail Hunt courtesy of Southern Woods Plantation.
The Principal of WCHS, Ms. Melissa Edwards, wrapped up the evening by asking everyone to look around the room. With RAMPRIDE she highlighted the efforts made by the Ram Tech CTAE program: the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource class provided our decorations, the Welding and Construction classes provided us with our Farmers Awards, and our 4H and FFA students helped serve drinks. She ended with a heartfelt thank you to all our Worth County Farmers for all they do for our community.
The Sylvester-Worth County Chamber of Commerce and Farmers Ag Committee would like to thank all our Sponsors. This evening could not have been made possible without your support.
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