Being a part of the Chamber means giving back to your community. As a member of the Chamber, we are also able to offer numerous benefits. Keep scrolling to see what all we have to offer you and your business!
Advertise events through our weekly newsletters, social media, and calendar of events
Business Retention and Expansion Process allows you to work with the EDA to survey existing businesses and industry
7.5% discount on Workers Compensation Insurance through Georgia's "Drugs Don't Work" program
We refer our members first and encourage Chamber Members to use the Membership Directory
Discounted rental fees for the Chamber Annex for meetings, birthday parties, baby shower, and other events
Opportunity to participate in one or more of our committees and help shape the future of Worth County
Display your business information for free in the Chamber Lobby
FREE business listing and discounted advertising in the Community Magazine and County Map
Members with 10 and fewer employees are automatically members of the Georgia Chamber
Lifestyle Heath Insurance plans through Taylor Insurance and Blue Cross Blue Shield Smart Plan
Commit to 6 months of advertising and get 1 month FREE. Commit to 12 months of advertising and get 2 months FREE.
Classes available at a discount to Chamber members
Fill out this form and we will help to advertise your need on our website and social media
Announcement opportunities through our social media, newsletter, and webpage
Display your decal and sidn proudly and prominently so that customers can see
Business is listed on our membership directory for the community to see
FREE mini webpage showcasing a short bio, contact information, photos, and links to your businesses social media
Ceremonies, Business After Hours, Ribbon Cuttings, Open House, Business Expo, Lunch and Learns, and more
We work hand in hand with the schools
Free ribbon cuttings and grand openings available
Membership and sponsorships allow the Chamber to provide numerous scholarships to our Worth County Students
Discounts on copies, lamination, faxing, and shredding done at the Chamber and free notary service
Aid in the reallocation or reopening of a new or existing business and industry
Members with 10 emloyees or less are automatically a Federation Member of the Georgia Chamber with access to healthcare benefits!
Be the first to receive sponsorship opportunities for various events throughout the year
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